Goose Egg

by matthewmousekewitz

Tell me I’m not real
And I’ll believe it
I believe it.
Less than invisible
Next to non-existent.

Tell me why I am
I am a soldier
A beholder
that’s all we ever are, yet
arrogant, irreverent prayers spat out like hair
demand, command, and inherit ill will
Toward all the other ghosts of children
who died in high school.

If I can find the vein
I’ll kill it so
don’t put me near the needle
It’s a key to free the demons
I can be.

And they encourage us to

grow the fuck up

Although, I’ll try to not resign myself to hell.
All my wishes are wasted on daydreams
My nightmares inspire me to keep them that way.
Tell me I’m not real–

I’m as real as demons.